As an international student coming to Napier Girls’ High School, you have the choice of two types of accommodation.
Whether you decide to board at Hewett House or to stay with one of our caring Homestay families, we know your experience will be positive and enriching.
Hewett House
Hewett House provides accommodation for up to 160 girls. The girls sleep in double cubicles or dormitories with some single rooms for senior girls. There is 24 hour care, seven days a week with a great team of supervisors to take care of you. The Hostel is a busy and vibrant place to live. The day is structured with set meal times, free time and study or ‘prep’ time. Living with so many girls can be both challenging and fun and you will make many lifelong friendships. As an international student we value the contribution you will make to our rich culture. We will support you to pursue your goals as a student in New Zealand.
The hostel buildings on Napier’s hill are ideally situated in one of the most attractive parts of the city. You will live adjacent to the school and may use the school’s sports facilities, library and computer suite.
Homestay Families
We have many wonderful families who generously support our international programme. They are well supported by Napier Girls’ High School and we work together to ensure your experience is culturally and academically rewarding. Our families are a wide representation of our community in Napier, including grandparents, young families with children, families from different ethnic backgrounds and families with more than one student. We always endeavour to place you where you would be best suited. You can be assured that whoever you are placed with, they will be doing their best to make sure your experience in New Zealand is a great one.