This page has information on important enrolment dates, home zone enrolments and ​​​​​​​out of zone enrolments.

​​​​​​​Time Frame for Year 9, 2026 Day Girl Applications

Important Dates

Friday 18 July 2025

Enrolment information packs handed out to all Year 8 students to take home, at the schools listed below:

  • Napier Intermediate
  • Tamatea Intermediate
  • Taradale Intermediate
  • St Patrick’s School
  • Parkside Christian School
  • Maraenui School
  • Puketapu School
  • Eskdale School

If your daughter attends one of the above schools she will receive an enrolment information pack for Napier Girls' High School. Year 8 students at schools that are not listed above are also able to apply.

The Napier Girls' High School online application form will be available to complete here on this webpage from Friday 18 July 2025 and must be completed by Friday 29 August 2025. 

If you have any queries regarding the online application form process, please contact the Principal's Assistant, Deb McPherson: or 06 835 7267.  

Friday 29 August 2025

Last day for Napier Girls' High School online applications to be completed.

4.00pm, Friday 5 September 2025

Letters will be emailed (to the email address provided in your online application - please check your spam/junk folder) to students who have automatic entry to Napier Girls’ High School, students who have been successful in the ballot, and students who have been unsuccessful in the ballot, with the ranking number they are on the waiting list. Please note: The waiting list remains open until the start of the new school year; after that, it no longer applies.

If you have not received an email by 4.30pm, Friday 5 September, please contact Deb McPherson on Monday 8 September by email or phone 06 835 7267, and you will be advised if your daughter has been successful or unsuccessful in the ballot.  Letters will be posted to families who do not have an email address.

By Friday 19 September 2025

If you receive an offer of place letter, acceptance of that place must be received at Napier Girls’ High School by email, phone or delivered in person to our school office by Friday 19 September (last day of Term 3).  If an acceptance of place is not received by this date, it will be determined as non-acceptance and the place will be offered to another student.

Enrolment Information

2025 Day Girl Enrolments

If you are enquiring about enrolling your daughter for this current year at any level, please contact the Principal’s Assistant via email or phone 06 835 7267.

If you are an International student, please click here to fill out our International Enrolment application

Napier Secondary Schools Open Evenings - 2025

Napier Girls' High School

 6.30pm, Wednesday 6 August – School Hall

Sacred Heart College

 6.30pm, Thursday 7 August – Mission Centre

Tamatea High School

 1.00pm, Saturday 9 August – Te Tōnuitanga 

William Colenso College 

 6.00pm, Tuesday 12 August – School Hall

Napier Boys' High School

 5.30pm, Wednesday 13 August - School Hall

Taradale High School

 6.30pm, Thursday 14 August - School Hall

Enrolment packs for Year 9, 2026, will be available from all contributing schools on Friday 18 July 2025.  See above for further information.

​​​​​​​Napier Girls' High School
Wednesday 6 August 2025 at
6.30pm in the School Hall


Home Zone Enrolments

  • Application for enrolment may be made by a student regardless of her place of permanent residence.
  • All students who live within the home zone (shown on zone map) shall be entitled to enrol at the school.
  • Proof of residence within the home zone is required.
  • Enrolment may be annulled if based on false information or temporary residence.
  • Students accepted for places within the school hostel, Hewett House, will be declared to live within the zone.

Out of Zone Enrolments

    ​​​​​​​For the purpose of avoiding overcrowding at the school, an optimum roll of 1100 students has been established. Within this overall number, guidelines of 225 maximum at each of Years 9, 10, and 11 have been established to avoid imbalance in the school roll, and to provide for delivery of quality education.

    Each year the Napier Girls' High School Board will determine the number of places which are likely to be available in the following year for the enrolment of students who live outside the home zone. A ballot will be held for out-of-zone applications.

    Applications for enrolment must, by law, be processed in the following order of priority:

    First Priority
    Will be given to students who have been accepted for enrolment in a special programme run by the school (note that this does not apply to Napier Girls’ High School).

    Second priority
    Will be given to applicants who are siblings of current students.

    Third priority
    Will be given to applicants who are siblings of former students.

    Fourth priority
    Will be given to applicants who are a child of a former student to the school.

    Fifth priority
    Will be given to applicants who are either a child of an employee of the Board of the school or a child of a member of the Board of the school.

    Sixth Priority
    Will be given to all other applicants.
    ​​​​​​​If there are more applicants in the second, third, fourth, or fifth priority groups than there are places available, selection within the priority group will be by a ballot conducted in accordance with instructions issued by the Secretary under Section 11G(1) of the Education Act 1989. Parents will be informed of the date of any ballot by notice in a daily communication or community newspaper circulating in the area served by the school.