International Enrolments

Should you require any further assistance regarding your application, please email 

View the helpful guide here: International Enrolment Information


If you are accepted by Napier Girls’ High School you will be sent:

  • An Offer of Place with an invoice for fees.
    • Upon receiving this, please remit the fees direct to the school bank account which is as follows:​​​​​​​  

​​​​​​​Account Name:         Napier Girls’ High School

Name of Bank:          Westpac Bank

Branch:                      Napier, New Zealand

Account No:              03-0698-0987539-00
Swift Code:                WPACNZ2W

Please quote the student’s full name as a reference.

  • Once payment is made we will send you the receipt.

Take your receipt and the Offer of Place to your nearest New Zealand Embassy and apply for a student visa.

Full details of visa and permit requirements, advice to rights on employment in New Zealand while studying, and reporting requirements are available through Immigration New Zealand, and can be viewed on their website at

Should you require any further assistance regarding your application, please do not hesitate to email