Our Values

Our kaupapa "Empowering ākonga to achieve success and fulfilment, for themselves, whānau and community" is underpinned by our values of:

Manaakitanga - Respect/Caring

"When we look after people, we enhance their mana and our own."

Demonstrating respect and responsibility by uplifting the mana of each person through empathy, tolerance, inclusion and celebration of diversity.

Kairangi Whaiaro - Personal Excellence

"A greater leader creates opportunities for others."

Demonstrating aspiration, high expectations and excellence, growth mindset, creativity, commitment and resilience.

Whānaungatanga - Relationships and Connections

"The connections we hold with others give birth to new ideas."

Demonstrating participation, leadership and service through working with others and making good connections with our community.  Positive interactions with peers/staff/community.​​​​​​​